Alright Chrom(e/ium) you win, but at what cost?

Browser battle may have been started years ago, many browser like Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge(Internet Explorer back then), etc battling to get user adoption. Many practices have been done to get user to use as a default web browser. Packing the browser with the OS, hard to change default browser practice, etc.

Beside of conspiracy, playing video on YouTube is smoother with Chrome rather than Firefox, wheter it's the codec or something, it is just what it is.

Another thing to note is that browser development is going faster on Chrome making it pioneering the web now where Firefox take that place back then. WebBluetooth? WebGPU? newest Web standarts or APIs is just synonym of Chrome's new feature set.

Alright Chrom(e/ium), you win, but at what cost? resource hog, especially RAM, but RAM is cheap. So it doesn't matter much anymore worth the cost.

Remember the day when we open up I.E. just to download Chrome? LOL, I've done so even Edge based on Chromium is already out and mature.

Actually, Chrome is not just a Browser, it is taking a baby steps of being Operating System in disguise of Browser.

Yes, web is the future.


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